Title: Smart Medical Devices for the Discovery and Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases
Speaker: Mohamad Sawan, Professor and Canada Research Chair, Polystim Neurotech Lab., Polytechnique Montréal
Date: Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017
Abstract: Wearable and implantable Smart bioelectronic interfaces intended for the diagnosis and subsequent treatment of neurodegenerative diseases are emerging alternatives to study neural activities at various brain levels. These Brain-Area Networks are being built to accelerate the understanding of cognitive functions and pathologies, and eventually to recover lost neural vital functions. This talk covers circuit techniques and Microsystems intended to build various bioelectronic interfaces for intracortical neurorecording and microstimulation. The implementation of custom microsystem-on-chip based devices requires dealing with multidimensional design challenges such as power management, low-power circuit design, high-data rate communication, reliable wireless energy recovery and data exchange, biocompatible packaging, etc. Case studies of continuous neurorecording intended for learning about the neurodegenerative diseases such as vision and epileptic seizures mechanisms will be described. Also, biosensors used to manipulate detect, and characterize neurotransmitters intended to locate dysfunctions at the level of neural cells interconnections will be summarized.
Biography: Mohamad Sawan received the Ph.D. degree in 1990 in Electrical Engineering, from Sherbrooke University, Canada. He joined Polytechnique Montreal in 1991, where he is currently a Professor of microelectronics and biomedical engineering. His interests are the design and test of analog, digital, RF, and optic circuits and Microsystems. Dr. Sawan is a holder of a Canada Research Chair in Smart Medical Devices, he is leading the Microsystems Strategic Alliance of Quebec (ReSMiQ), and is founder of the Polystim Neurotechnologies Laboratory. Dr. Sawan is founder and cofounder of several international conferences such as the IEEE NEWCAS, ICECS, and BIOCAS. He is cofounder, and Editor in Chief of the IEEE Trans. on BIOCAS, Deputy Editor-in Chief of the IEEE TCAS-II (2009-2013), Associate Editor of the IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, and he is Editor and Associate Editor, and member of the board of several other international Journals. Dr. Sawan is founder and chair of the Eastern Canadian IEEE-Solid State Circuits Society Chapter. He published more than 700 peer reviewed papers, two books, 10 book chapters, and 12 patents. Dr. Sawan received several awards, among them the Shanghai Municipality International Collaboration award, the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal, the Bombardier Medal for technology transfer, the Jacques-Rousseau Award for achieved results in multidisciplinary research activities, the medal of merit from the President of Lebanon for his outstanding contributions, and the Barbara Turnbull Award for spinal-cord research in Canada. He is Fellow of the IEEE, Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada, and Officer of the Quebec’s National Order.
Title: The Future Trends and Contributions of Test in the SOC Market
Speaker: Hans-Juergen Wagner, Advantest Europe GmbH, Germany
Date: Wednesday, May 24th, 2017
Abstract: The innovation goes on! Moore’s law continues to be alive and enables more complex or lower-cost ICs and by that new mega-trends, such as IoT, Industry4.0, ADAS, 5G, and Big Data. Complexity of supply chains & distributed teams & ICs, advanced packaging, challenging new process nodes, extreme interface speeds, and zero-defect requirements drive new solutions – also for test. This keynote will talk about these new trends, their requirements and highlight how ATE-based solutions can or must contribute to these trends.
Biography: Hans-Juergen is Managing Director at Advantest Europe GmbH and also a Managing Executive Officer at Advantest Corporation. After graduating (Technical University of Stuttgart) with a degree as Dipl. Ing. (degreed engineer) in Electr. Engineering Hans-Juergen began his career in 1985 as an R&D engineer with Hewlett-Packard Company in Boeblingen and in 1988 was promoted to worldwide R&D Manager. Upon the founding of Agilent Technologies, Hans-Juergen led the R&D and Marketing organization and was soon appointed Managing Director of the Semiconductor Test Business. After splitting into two new companies in 2006 Hans-Juergen joined Verigy Germany GmbH as Vice President and Managing Director. He joined Advantest when Verigy was acquired in 2011 and currently leads the System-on-a-Chip Test Business Group and is a valued member of the Senior Executive Staff. Hans-Juergen lives near Stuttgart/South West Germany with his wife.
Title: To a Trillion and Beyond, the Future of the Internet of Things
Speaker: Krisztián Flautner, ARM, USA
Date: Thursday, May 25th, 2017
Abstract: With classical technology scaling running out of steam, predictions of doom and gloom about the future of the semiconductor business abound. However, as we move from an era of human-centric connectivity to a new machine-centric era, there are numerous opportunities to innovate for creative people and companies, providing solutions that can scale to hundreds of billions or even trillions of interconnected intelligent devices. Meeting these challenges will require renewed concentration on automatable and provable approaches to resilience, security, test and verification, and must include answers to questions such as how to measure trust and design it into systems, how to test whether AI is working correctly, and how to ensure the legitimacy of the data underpinning it all.
Biography: Krisztián Flautner is the vice president of technology for Incubation Businesses at ARM. Previously, Kris was general manager of the Internet of Things Business Unit and VP of Research and Development at ARM. He is focused on new business opportunities and the proliferation of ARM technologies, including creating a platform and ecosystem that accelerates time to market for secure, managed, connected products. He received a PhD in computer science and engineering, along with a number of other degrees, from the University of Michigan, where he has also served as a visiting scholar. Dr. Flautner is a member of the ACM and the IEEE. He has authored or co-authored over 60 publications, including key contributions on computer architecture and microarchitecture.